AUTOPET, India: established in 2020, With Proffesional expertise in automation, iot solutions for more than 10 years & our love towards pets - enabled us to develop reliable solution to feed pet (Cat DOG) Automatically with full control. autopet technology is focused to offer the sustainable solution to Pet Owners, CAT & DOG breeders with ease and flexible operations to take care of Pet health. Thanks for Inhouse control technology which enables user to have full control on food dispense.

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Vision to develop and offer reliable products & solutions based on latest technology to enable pet owners achieve their pet's health goals in time & cost effective manner

Mission to offer safe, reliable technological solution for Pet Owners for Pet Care & pet health management .

Products Autopet is professionally engineered Automatic pet feeding solution for cat and dog . creative team with love towards pet , which leads us to Design1st made in India product with capabilities to automate Pet Cat & Dog feeding enabling health management with 3 different control control technology & 6 different variants of products to suite customer needs.

Commitment To develop reliable long life consisting performing product & solutions to take of pets and the pet owner. Further 13 different product sunder R&D for pet care in process.